The Greenburgh Arts & Culture Committee announces its 42nd annual poetry contest. Judging will be by a panel of recognized poets and community representatives. Judges’ decisions are final. There are three categories of winners: Juveniles (6-12 years old); Students (13-18 years old) and Adults (anyone over 18). In the Juvenile category, first prize is $50, second prize is $25, and third prize is $15. In Student and Adult categories, the first place winners will receive $100, the second place winners will receive $50, and the third place winners will receive $25. Poems by the top 10% of entrants who reach finalists' status will be published in the 2013 contest anthology, Let the Poets Speak. Awards will be announced in May 19, 2013 at Greenburgh Town Hall. All entrants will be notified of program details via email.
1. Submissions are NOT limited to Greenburgh residents. Any NY State resident can enter.
2. Fees: $7 PER PERSON entry fee covers a maximum of two poems. (Make checks payable to:
Arts & Culture Committee)
3. Entries must be ORIGINAL. They may be on any subject, but must not exceed 50 lines.
4. 1st place winners of previous contests are not eligible to enter in the same age category.
5. Poems previously awarded prizes or included in a contest anthology are NOT eligible.
6. All poems must be typewritten, or word-processed with letter quality printing, on white
paper. Poems of more than one page should be stapled together.
7. Each poet may submit no more than two poems (submit three copies of each poem).
Please submit only ONE entry form, and ONE check as required.
8. Each submission must include a completed entry form and THREE copies of each poem.
Photo-copies of poems are acceptable.
9. DO NOT write your name on any poems. Place your five digit personal identification number
(choose any combination you like) in the upper left corner of the first page. Do not staple
the entry form or check to any poem.
10. No entries will be returned. The Greenburgh Arts and Culture Committee assumes no
liability for entries lost in the mail. Non-winning entries will be destroyed following
announcement of winners. A list of winners and finalists will be sent to each entrant.
11. Contest entries must be submitted between January 1st and March 15th, 2013. All entries
must be postmarked no later than midnight March 15th, 2013. Any entry which fails to
conform to the above rules, or misses the deadline will not be included in the competition.
12. Finalists and winners will be requested to submit an electronic copy of their poems to
contest administrator.
13. Submit entry form and fee to: Greenburgh Poetry Contest
Arts and Culture Committee,
177 Hillside Avenue
Greenburgh, NY 10607